Improving project economics and establishing robust state policies led to a surge in offshore wind activity in 2018. At the end of the year, project developers had a potential offshore wind pipeline of over 25,500 MW. Project developers expect six offshore wind projects totaling 2,101 MW to be operational by 2023. It is clear that companies see enormous business potential in developing offshore wind projects.

The AWEA Offshore WINDPOWER Conference program has cultivated a dedicated and thriving global community of top developers and experts, making it the largest and most successful gathering of offshore wind energy professionals in the United States. As more steel goes in the water, this event will only continue to grow in value and scope. Join us in Boston, October 22 – 23, 2019.

Event Properties

Event Date 10-22-2019
Event End Date 10-23-2019
Location Boston Park Plaza Hotel & Towers